I still like to keep Ozzy on his toes by occasionally hiding from him. Just off the path out of his sight....
Only problem is usually when I do this Flynn thinks I'm away ahead and speeds up and I end up having to run to catch up with him!!
The many toys have now found homes in the boys rooms. Another trip to the tip for Mr J!
I had the car this afternoon and heard a bang! I pulled over to have a look to see what had happened only to discover a puncture!
So I started to get the tools out to change it and gave a quick call to Mr J so he could have a laugh.... He said he'd borrow his workmates car and come down cos I wasn't far from his work. I did say I was fine but he said it was cool he'd come.
So I'm busy getting the tyre out if the boot when I hear a vehicle behind me.... A couple of council men had pulled over and offered to help.
How nice was that!
I explained that Mr J was coming anyway but they were quite happy to help out non the less!
The last time I had a puncture was when Jamie and Ru were really young and the wheel had seized onto the car and I couldn't get it off.... I was out of town, in a very busy carpark..... And not one person offered to help!
I ended up having to call a mate who lived close to bring a hammer to get the wheel off.
Even he struggled!
It was really nice today to see Chivalry is not dead!
Anyway this time it wasn't so bad and it came off quite easily. .
Mr J turned up to me and my two new friends!
Later when I was getting the boys from school they happened to pass me walking along the road and pulled over again to ask if I'd managed to get it repaired ok.... Which incidently we didn't! The puncture was in the side wall of the tyre. :-(
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