Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn

Power Lines - really this time!

Had to go through to Glasgow to the Dental Hygienist tonight after work, so went looking for a blip in some of my old haunts. The light and the midges were against me so I headed for home just as there was the first glimmer of a golden sunset. Unfortunately it was obscured by the Campsie Fells (the west keeps all the good stuff to itself) as I drove.

The light was developing into a fabulous sky as I turned off the motorway and followed a 'careful' driver who couldn't go above 35 mph. I drove through the village to a truck stop with a good vantage point over Stirling Castle. It was full of trucks and slumbering truckers. Short of driving round shouting "I know my husband's here somewhere and if that flousie is with him I'll tear her hair out" to get a parking space I had to turn round and head for home.

So these pylons are all I could get of the magical gloaming tonight and since I got mixed up withwith telephone wires and chose the wrong song to go these.

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