Like a wombat on meth

was the assessment that James just gave me of how Sparky looked after he (the cat) was given a bath earlier by Corin.

He looks cleaner.  Sadly, his breathe still smells fishy.  Need to change his food urgently.

He has spent most of the afternoon trying to climb over me, drape himself around me and generally make a nuisance of himself repeatedly.

James is on the eve of the exam that a few weeks ago was causing the most anxiety.  After a revision session at school this afternoon and then a review of the topic lists in the specification, plus another couple of hours revision at home tonight, he has reaffirmed to himself that he is so much more confident and competent than he was before the Easter holiday. He has put a phenomenal amount of work in over the last few weeks - that's all I could have asked for.  I am feeling a lot of pride in him right now.  (I also let him go out for a couple of hours after revision tonight to clear his head and spend some time with friends, because balance is important too).

Two more days and he can breathe easier, catch up on sleep and prepare for the ones after half term.  Nearly there.

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