My life, my lens

By JennyRampling

Home this week

We have just finished performing our first full dress rehearsal to a crowd of 60,000! I'm on a complete high from the experience as the crowd loved it.

It has been a boiling hot day and we spent hours sat around again. We can only get into costume about two hours before we head over and we have to clear security hours before that. I'm savouring every moment of the experience as I know this week will be over in a flash.

We were soon heading over to the stadium and the excitement filled the air. Once in our Vom area and we caught our first view of the audience. For some reason I wasn't expecting the stadium to be so full and it was slightly terrifying. Danny Boyle gave a great speech to the audience which we could hear backstage. He thanked us all for our hard work and commitment and it felt quite emotional for a moment. He also urged the audience to save the surprise as we have done for the last two and half months.

As we walked out on the field a huge sense of pride swept over my body. The children were suddenly calmer as they saw the crowd and I could feel them squeezing my hand tighter. We saw new bits of the show for the first time on the screens and the atmosphere was amazing with the crowd reacting to everything going on. Everything went to plan and we were soon heading off the FOP. I walk up the aisle through the audience and their warmth, smiles and appreciation was overwhelming. What a great experience and I cant wait to do it again!

The Central Line was down on the way out of the park so it took a long time getting home but I dont think any of us really cared. We had just experienced something unique and special that we all now shared and nothing would dampen the feeling!

Olympic Stadium, Olympic Park, Stratford

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