Spirit Cup

Eva came out of her dance class beaming this afternoon as she won the Wednesday spirit cup. She has been desperately trying to win this since she started and today was her day! And because it is half term next week, she gets to keep it for 2 whole weeks! She didn't let it out of her sight all evening and raced to the door to show her Daddy when she heard his key turn in the lock. 

Had a nice day today. We played at home this morning and made some strawberry cupcakes as requested by Eva. Then we went down to the stables to meet Rich for Lime's shoes. Eva proudly presented him with a cupcake, explaining she was responsible for putting the strawberry on top! 

Then we ran a few errands and picked Tobes up from school before heading over to Laura's for dancing. The boys played Dobble while the girls danced then we went back to Laura's for a play, crumpets and cake. Toby was really well behaved today. The last few times we have been to Luca's the play has always got a bit rough and Luca has always ended up in tears. But today Tobes played really nicely. He can do it!

Went to my workout class tonight. Really hard. Home for late tea and chilling out watching some t.v. 

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