Best doggy spot in the house

This is Nell's favourite snoozing spot. Also Charley's!

Had a horrible night's sleep last night. Very upset by a family arguement caused by a mis- understanding because people don't pick up the phone and send text messages instead. Anyway I managed to speak to my brother this morning and we sorted it out. Not spoken to my sister yet. She's a little more volatile!! I think I finally drifted off about 4am, then woke at 7am. No where near enough sleep for me.

Toby was feeling poorly with a heavy cold or could possibly be hay fever so he stopped off from school. He came down with me to see lime. He was very interested in the pheasants that potter in Limes field and on the track. After collecting Eva from preschool we had to nip into town to get sun cream for our hols.

Had dinner in the garden again and then I had to drive to Shropshire to drop off the dogs for their hols. Dad seems happy. It's the first time I have been here without the kids recently and he's obviously much more relaxed in adult company. It took forever to get here as there was a diversion round Stoke, then the signs just disappeared and I ended up crawling through lots of tiny villages on wiggly country roads. Not good when so tired. Stayed up chatting to mum till 1am.

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