
By mike191435

Todays blip is not what I had intended. The view looked great from the car. Unfortunately, the camera that I am using at the moment does not have a viewfinder, only an LCD screen, and for once the sun was shining, and as a result I could see nothing on the screen. I was forced to just blip, blip and blip, hoping that I would manage to capture the view that was intended. Unfortunately, I didn't and this is the best of 6 photos taken (which really doesn't say very much for the other 5!). There is only one thing for it, I'm going to have to buy myself a proper camera at some stage or other, with a viewfinder. Maybe it will be raining again tomorrow, in which case I may be able to get a better shot of something! There are so many fantastic entries on blipfoto, it is difficult to find something comparable. I hope you have had a nice day and I thank you for your following once again.

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