New neighbours

I went on a small adventure out to South Queensferry, via the Stagecoach bus, in order to meet up with Old Bat and go for the traditional totter down to the marina. Cracking view of the new bridge under construction, but unfortunately the weather was quite unclement, not to mention baltic. There was little in the way of birdlife to be seen, and none close enough for me to photograph. Old Bat got a good shot of a distant shelduck family dabbling in the mud, though.

When I got back to Edinburgh I had a bowl of rather good soup in Hendersons which thawed me out, and then home with a few messages. I was delighted to see that I had not imagined the prayer flags I saw on the way back from the chippie last night - they've got a proper brass plaque and everything. It seems that the lovely building that was originally a bank and more recently the Portuguese consulate has become Edinburgh Samye!

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