twinned with trumpton


A school run and then WFH. But not. An hour later it was clear I needed to go in. So off I went; packed up the kit and into work. JC was in too, so we sat and worked and chatted. I got the sludge cleared from my tray; Monday I will get the recent stuff done and then all up to date for the return of Slim Shady - er - I mean the boss from his Med cruise.

Lunchtime we went out; got tickets from the Story Telling Centre and stepped outside to see my folks driving up the High Street...! So we walked up and caught them at the lights. Briefly. But they have an offer on the house...

Then we went on a wander; and back to work before leaving in a downpour to pick them up from school. Toad in the hole, counting the money from the piggy bank, and to bed.
The St James Centre features again....

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