Blue Mountains Icons 9

Here is the Scenic World Skyway. We see it heading out from the central complex, bound for its eastern terminus on the other side of the valley - 800 feet above rainforests, waterfalls and tourist walking trails. As the car moves out from the escarpment, much of the solid opaque floor seems to suddenly disappear leaving passengers with the impression that they are standing on open space. It enables them to look and shoot photographs directly down.

There's been a "Skyway" here since 1958. The original and relatively primitive car was retired a few years back to be replaced by the hi-tech Swiss version we see here. Here is an interesting page of "Scenic World" history for those that may be interested.

The view here is foreshortened somewhat by the fact that I am shooting at a 35mm equivalent of 180mm telephoto. I think it looks better larger.

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