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By PoWWow

Great Fine Creatures

Mike came up with a brilliant plan.

How often is it that a bunch of close mates organise themselves enough to travel hundreds of miles to a beautiful place, so many months ago he wrote to us all and said ; "Now then, how about a week of mucking about on surf boards, long boards, bicycles + boats?" To which a lucky bunch of us said; "Mike, what a bloody terrific idea".

So, after a sweltering hungover giggly morning at Wedding Camp, and a slightly disorientated and hilariously misguided but well intended mission with Nick to pick up Karmel, we made our way over to the vast ocean. We found the others already pitched up at our gorgeous little campsite, powered by the wind and by the sun, made complete with a fine collection of rescue animals [one of them pictured; Mike began a week long love affair with this chap starting from about the moment this picture was taken] that upheld an amusing soundtrack of plural animal choruses throughout our great time on the land.

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