The Valkaryies

The Valkaryies

Night 2 at the opera.
Overnight Wanton the big god Character had given issue to 10 illegitimate children including two twins who got separated and 8 seriously feisty bloodthirsty girls. Tonights epic involved the twins having been separated whilst small remeeting, falling in love, finding out they were twins, then consummating their relationship and girl twin getting pregnant with the star of Opera 3. Which no one seemed phased about except Stepmum who thought it was a bit creepy but was accused of being simply jealous, so ordered him(boy twin) finished off as the morally right thing to do.
The other 8 kids, all girls are the Valkaryies, girl gods who choose who dies in battle, then carry the deceased heroes back to Valahalla for tea and cakes and eternity.
One of them Brunhilde in doing the right thing, gets in trouble for doing the wrong thing even though in the end we all know it's the right thing, (and without it we get no 3rd opera and we've bought tickets) but gets banished to mortality, and a sleeping beautesque pause until Opera 3.
So all straight forward and normal goings on by the gods apparently.
We then all get a night off to rest our voices and bums, heaven knows what nonsense they will get up to on their day off.
If only Wanton had seen to his children in their childhoods giving them due care and attention, clear boundaries and a pet hamster then they'd all have been happier and the opera despite the sublime musical score would've been a bit tedious.
I'll be honest I'm loving this way more than I thought I would. I'm totally rapt, I'd do it all again next week if I could.

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