Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Four beards!

The haar has gone at last. Sunshine! Warm(ish). But oops! I see the tennis in Paris is a washout... [EDIT: I realised on the evening news that the 'washout' was very serious, with a group of children being struck by lightning, some still in a critical condition].

Archie and I went up the Hill mid morning, as JR was showing no signs of getting up. She still has a bad cough, so she really needs to get well rid of that before Monday.

It was lovely up the Hill. Warm and sunny, no wind, so nice after several days of haar. But what do I hear spoiling this idyllic scene? Can't be... Heavy metal music! Very loud blues music! Even away up at the top of the (lower) hill, on the bench, I could still hear it.

I was told it was coming from the Harley Davidson shop along by the King's Buildings. A photo opportunity was anticipated...

Archie and I wandered round the black leathered, grey-bearded (just the chaps) crowd and the lovely shiny bikes. The huge BBQ was doing great business. Fortunately, the very loud band just finished - I'm sure Archie's ears were hurting. Mine were.

I've never wanted to go on a bike - the two times I have, were not exactly relaxing. In fact, during my first bike ride I kept leaning the other way from the driver when going round corners to - what I thought - 'keep the balance'. The poor chap had to stop and explain that it was better, nay, it was necessary, to do the same as him.

I love bikers. They love to chat about their bikes. These three chaps happily posed with Archie, admiring his beard.

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