Another sunny day, so I did a couple of loads of washing to dry outside, some gardening, and a bit of shopping.
Mum not in such a good mood today, she hadn't had lunch again. It took a bit of work to get her to agree to let me do her hair. But she was a bit brighter once I had done it, and she came out in the garden afterwards.
As it was a lovely evening I went home via two friends houses to drop off some photos of them that were left at school. Lovely to have a chance for a chat, Maggy looks so well now that her very elderly mother no longer lives with her, and is in a care home very close by. Chatted with Caroline in her garden with Simba the Andrex puppy, ( who is now 12, but when he was a pup he came into school to visit the children, and still at times has puppy moments).

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