Sunday Salad

An early blip from me as a) I'm unlikely to snap anything else & b) we have a busy second half of the day (church etc) was either our salad which went with Danny's roast chicken, or my very amateur sewing, attempting to alter some shorts for Asha... The joys of having a tall, slim kid...things are either too short or waaaay too big on the waist. My pride wouldn't let me blip my bad stitching...

Today I'm grateful for; 
1) Grateful it's Sunday & therefore a slow day, I've been headachy all day...good to just potter along & go slow.
2) Danny making lunch, hanging out washing, playing with Asha...grateful for a husband that gets stuck in.
3) Getting various odds & ends; sewing Asha's shorts, re hanging a canvas in her room, sending overdue emails... 

Update on Mom, she's still at home, she had an awful day yesterday, but is brighter today...Thanks for still asking & caring!

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