The Weekend Visitors!

After a few hours on the allotment I spent the morning hoovering, cleaning  and making beds then went down into the village with Friend for the opening of the new coffee shop. Everything in it, apart from the coffee machine, had been upcycled and looked great! The place was heaving and there was free bubbly, coffee, tea and cakes galore! Friend and I sat by the table and ate and drank and chatted! I made a quick visit to Make New and Mend and bought a chinese bowl hand painted in peonies which I had been  admiring each time I passed the place! After a chat with Nellie of the Woods and barry, Friend and I came home and sat in the sun with a cold drink and chatted some more! More tidying then off to the allotment and then into Plymouth to pick up my weekend visitors from London! The train was delayed so I had time to take photos and realising the gates to the platforms were open I went to their platform and managed to get them  gathering their bags on the train! London Boy had brought me champagne and peonies and Charita and Stanley brought me chocolates - the weekend was off to a very good start! Stanley also had amazing scrapes on both knees  after falling on concrete whilst playing football - they will be written about over the next few days!! The whole rather lovely day is here!

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