I was just going upstairs to bed Friday night and noticed bright flashing - looking out the window I realised it was lightning so ran downstairs to get my camera! It was spectacular! The flashing went on for ages then the wind picked up then the rain came lashiug down, then just the flash lightning again. The only problem was my camera couldn't focus on anything so wouldn't take anything. I changed settings all over the place and finally opted for manual and just hoped for the best! Well not great results but I liked this one!
Sister arrived in the morning and after a chat and lunch we headed to the allotment. I know have 3 types of peas, 2 types of Broadbeans, sweetcorn and 2 round courgettes in! I then introduced her to my way of sowing old flower seeds - rake a bed and scatter liberally! I don't rate the chances of anything coming up but who knows - as my sister said, they won't do anything ion the packet anyway!
As we left I turned the electric fence back on and of course nothing! But I finally found what has been the problem for months - a loose connection inside due to an unwound screw! WD40 and a quick screw later flashing green light - what a very satisfying day!
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