Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon


My aunt Stephanie came to visit this evening. We all snacked and drank ice tea. Socialized and after dinner took a walk down the road just around twilight. It was a lovely time of the day. Soft light and cooling temperatures. A long, drawn out summer day sinking slowly into night. We lingered with the dog by the horse pasture.

Swallows banked and rolled catching insects over the field behind us, freckled with wild flowers. And as the dusk lengthened the swallows were replaced by bats. We waited by the gate and eventually the horses came over seeking our affection. The recent rains means there is plenty to eat in the pasture right now.

They are petite, tough little palamino horses. Apparently, rescue horses from out west, but I don't know there story. The leader, a gentle stallion seems lo love affection. He lingered there with us for a long while fishing for strokes and caresses across his neck, rubs behind the ear. Meanwhile, Virginia was beside herself in jealousy. Yes, jealous that we were giving attention to a horse instead of her. She made wimpering noises, sniffed, and paces. It was too cute.

What a lovely evening.

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