Scattered Polaroids

By sp

This is the view that greeted us at about half 4. I have never, ever, been so grateful to see the sea.

I left Bracknell just before 9, and met Pose at Reading. We got the train together to Bournemouth. We were sat behind some super annoying kids. I really hope I wasn't that annoying when I was 16.

We were there to find Pose and her non-in-the-country housemates somewhere to live next year. We got the bus from the station up to Wallisdown for the first viewing. The second one was supposedly a 40 minute walk away, but it ended up taking us far longer - in our desperation for some shade to eat our lunch in, we neglected to look at a single road name, walked for about half an hour more, then realised that was the one we needed. The walk back the way we came was so depressing. The third house was another fairly long walk away, but we managed to stop for a lie down in a park (and a cold can of Rio).

After that, the beach was the only thing on our minds. It was crazy busy, but we managed to walk far enough to find a little bit of space. The water was amazing, and it was so nice to sit down.

By pure chance, we decided to get fish and chips at the perfect moment so as to be behind Elaine and her family in the queue. What are the chances?!

All in all, including the walk back from the station in Winchester, we walked 10 and a half miles. Not too shabby for a 30 degree day.

More of my film is here.

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