The rest of forever...

By DrMac

About blipping time! last. The farmers are hard at work in the fields that surround our cottage. I'm glad for them, it's been a tough year.

A normal start to the day and then I went training with a new trainer. He is like a greek god to look at, all youth, long hair and muscles. Not my type, I might add! But I wasn't sure if he would be a good trainer...I'll be honest, I have never worked so hard in my life! It was awesome! I was absolutely shattered at the end of the hour!

After a tin of tuna I went in to town to get my hair chopped and do a bit of clothes shopping for a dinner date we have tomorrow night. I'm getting much better at finding clothes! Then it was home to prep for the interview...I don't feel properly prepared mentally but I have a three hour journey tomorrow to get my head in gear. Fingers crossed it is enough!

Paul has been busy building the new car port for my sexy car so that it is protected when we go away. Only two days here in our lovely home and then we are off. So much to do and so little time. I'll feel better when the interview is over.

And the sun is still shining. Happy days! (Although I could do with a quick drop of rain to clear the mugginess!!).

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