Snow Down Under

By snowy


Another shower in the night & the snow is HALF way down Mt Roy. We will be in for some bumper frosts. Another grey, murky day so I have taken the easy road & snapped another page from the N. Z. Gardener. I am standing half way down this long avenue of rhododendrons, camellias & maples. The pine trees at the bottom are on a neighbours & here the avenue swings round to the left, continues behind the cottage & opens up to my main garden. It really is A LONG WALK ! All my tree planting of the past few weeks has taken place to the left of this photo - which pre-dates me, as you can see by the chickens ! Such sadness ! This area is quite windy but compensates with fabulous views to the right, of lake & mountains. ( Yesterday's blip was taken in this vicinity ). This is part of a 2 acre block of land purchased from a farmer about 15 years ago & is now surrounded by houses. Parallel to this avenue there is another one on the other side, adorned with flowering cherries & azaleas. It is particularly lovely in the Autumn & Spring. Well I love it all year round.

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