Flying away

Last night I went to bed a bit later than expected and I didn't have a very good sleep either, so I was feeling rather tired this morning.

I had to get up early to attend a "WorldHost" course at the Manor Hotel in Lundin Links. The weather was beautiful and the course was really good, but I felt myself nodding off every so often and struggling to keep awake. I guess it was a mixture of not having had a good sleep and not beeing used to sitting for so long, as in my job I'm mostly on my feet and on the move. I did enjoy the course though.

The first thing I did when I got home back from the course was to have a nap. I felt much refreshed after that and then I went outside to take some photos.

Luckily for me, the tide was out, so I could get closer to these seagulls.

I think it will be an early night for me today. Back to work tomorrow...

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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