All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Mud, mud, glorious mud

At last! Today actually felt like summer at long last. No rain and parts of the day were gloriously warm.

My friend Jane came round with her 2 young sons for a playdate with Ethan. After playtime in the house, the boys asked to go outside. Fortunately Jane was well aware of our "muddy work in progress back garden" and had come prepared with wellies and a change of clothes for the boys. And boy were they needed! After Callum and Ethan started splashing in the muddy puddles, getting wellies stuck and based on the state of Andrew's trousers, I can only assume he sat right down in the mud, all 3 of them needed a change of clothes! But they clearly had great fun and that's the main thing.

After they left, I went down to The Centre to take some things back to NEXT. We walked past the latest summer attraction in there - waterballs - Ethan was fascinated. He insisted we spend ages watching the people in them and was desperate to have a go. However although the sign said it's suitable for toddlers, when I enquired about it the guy said it's for over 3's only. Poor Ethan was really disappointed but I'm not sure how well he would have coped if we actually had put him inside a ball!

Hubbie met us down there when we finished work and we went to Wagamama for dinner. They gave him mini chopsticks which he coped really well with.

Then straight up to the hospital to visit a family member there before home and a very tired Ethan finally got to go to bed at 9pm. As he hadn't had a sleep all day and had been up since 6am, I think he coped very well today.

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