Mount Edgcumbe Park

After breakfast we headed out to Mount Edgcumbe park to try to wear the kids and dogs out before the long drive home. There is a folly there with stunning views out across Plymouth sound and the kids had fun scrambling up it and over the rocks. Amazingly I did manage to get them to pose for this photo as I really wanted one of all of them together! 

Had a lovely walk through the woods followed by lunch at the cafe up near the house. There was an amazing little shop there selling gorgeous handmade one-off stuff. I could have bought everything in there! But in the end bought three new pictures for our bedroom. Looking forward to getting them up once we have finished painting. 

We set off for home just before 4pm and got home just after 8pm so quite a good journey. The kids slept for nearly the whole journey so didn't go to bed till 10pm when we got home as they had had so much sleep in the afternoon. I thought they would protest more about going to bed but actually settled quickly. 

After tea we played Eva's new games the cupcake game and scaredy cat. She plays these at Kara's but was so happy to have them at home and kept saying "Its so lovely isn't it to play this as a whole family".

I think Toby was sad to say goodbye to Morgan and especially Logan. He and Logan were playing their own minecraft game as they walked round the park today, pretending they were in the computer game. At one point they were shredding up some plywood that had washed up on the beach and I told them to mind they didn't get splinters. Toby replied "You don't get splinters in minecraft". When they had done enough shredding he said "Our work here is done" and they both went running off up the beach. So funny. 

Extra pics of all of us using the self timer and Toby and Eva having fun in the park. 

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