Another miserable start to the morning, weather-wise. Brief bit of work in the school office with CheeseLady, including a long discussion about Europe and the folly of Brexit. I'm having issues getting my vote so it's on my mind (Fife are refusing to post my postal vote in time for me to send it back.)
Later, my brother-in-not-quite-law arrived for a late lunch. He's on a motorbike trip to Barcelona. So he arrived, ate, had the tour, pronounced us mad at what we've taken on (thank goodness he didn't see it when it was the Mad Broken House) and headed on his way to Andorra. Hopefully he will have had better weather for the onward journey than they've had so far - I can't imagine being on the bike in the rain is much fun.
Then, as the sun had by then deigned to come out, some gardening to the tune of the French Revolution (Marie-Antoinette just bit it) and a lazy light dinner (beans on toast) as we had already had a big lunch. Now - guess what... More West Wing.
(There are a bunch of backblips if you care to click back. Nothing much to speak of though, so don't bother if you've something else to do.)
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