Though I had a pretty busy day, I was nowhere near as busy as the hundreds (really) of honey bees, hoverflies and unidentified bees on this olive tree.
Lots of washing with - finally - the realisation that the washing smelling a bit weird when it came out of the machine was probably not something I could blame on the fabric conditioner. So out came the filter - eventually - which was wedged in with 97 centimes, 46 pence, a collar stiffener, a hairslide ("wow, I haven't used those for years" said TallGirl) and two bits of metal, previous purpose yet to be identified.
Later, with TallGirl's teacher refusing to acknowledge that figuring out which language she should prepare her oral in is something that should happen today (it is a long weekend here, and her oral is Wednesday), I rocked up at school full of ire (word of the week around here) and discovered that it is actually the playground supervisor who is organising the brevet (really). After a long conversation of "no, there's nothing we can do" I found the right form of words (sympathy for the workload dumped on her, plus some evidence she can use to blame someone else for the mistake) to turn that no into not just a yes, but a "there are three ways we can solve this and I will do all of them". TallGirl was impressed. I was just working on the basis that, in France, the first half dozen "noes" are not really serious. So, we think she knows what languages to work in. We think she will have a jury that can speak those languages. And I think I will be giving an end of year present to the playground supervisor. The Head Teacher - who I was really up for a fight with - had had to dash off to Brittany because her mum is very ill. So I can't be mean about her, as much as I might like to.
Also today, room planning for CarbBoy, who unfortunately has decided to focus on the remodelling during a 'make do and mend' phase (rather than the 'buy everything brand new from Ikea' period that TallGirl chanced upon). But his chest of drawers has been repainted a sunglass-requiring shade of red and tonight we bought him a bit of wood to make a desk out of.
Basketball training was cancelled (again - politics are occurring that I am trying to stay well clear of) so a leisurely evening, then off to the airport for Mr B.
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