Just the Withers......

By JaneW

When the water seeps in ...

A forceful small wave caught me unawares ....
I'm wanting to ban birds and children from campsites ... Also children under the age of 11 from beaches ... They ruin it for the big kids... Beaches and Christmas are not for children .... The birds need banning because they woke us at 4am every morning ...
Also whilst we are on the subject I'm going to ban ineffective parents who let their children cry in beach huts next to mine ... Not for a few minutes but for about 6 sodding hours ... Because toddler Sadie was refused her third fucking ice cream ... I wanted to jam my luxury waffle cone in her really loud chops ..I predict toddler Sadie is going to be a monster sooner rather than later as after 6 hours they gave in... Dickheads !

Apart from sunburn and lack of sleep I'm full of charm,a right little poppet me.

PS... Tits McGee is rather enjoying the cold water seeping into her parts .. Look at the delight on her face ...

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