Moving house

Loaded up the dolls house for Mrs Smith's mum, waved goodbye to wee sister and her clan, went for breakfast with Dad and then set off for the long drive home.

After a couple of hours sat in traffic things started to clear as I got past Preston and so I got a puncture. Managed to get across to the hard shoulder and then called the AA.

Tom arrived, got the spare space saver out, swapped it with the original wheel. The original wheel wouldn't fit in the space saver slot under the car so had to go inside the car, which meant getting the dolls house out. Cue a volley of abuse from the HGV drivers until we managed to shuffle everything round. Then I had another couple of hundred miles ahead at under 50 mph on the replacement tyre. Got home a bit bedraggled but great to see everyone again and catch up over dinner.

I'll let the train take the strain next time.

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