In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Sun Arise

I had intended Blipping something different today as it is my late father's birthday.
He was a paratrooper, and I was going to try and put something relevant on.
Instead on a most pleasurable summer's morning drive home where the deer were galavanting in various fields, wood pigeons with their multi faceted eye sight, were flying out of the way before I hit them, and the carrion birds cawing their early morning ' wake up guys, ' call, when I was suddenly confronted with a stunningly orange sunrise.
My iPad camera couldn't do it the proper justice, especially since I had to zoom in on it ( hence the pixelation), I therefore played about with the image to show you the colour it really was. I have put an extra in, which lessens the sun, but shows the level of soft light it actually was.

Happy Birthday Pop xx

Keith Emerson

Ps. R.I.P. The man who was born Cassius Clay and my boyhood hero.

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