Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2016 Tuesday -- Sad Mitzi

When we walked the three pups Saturday evening, I noticed a spot on the back of Mitzi upper right leg that looked like a pink bump. It grew in size as we walked and looked swollen. We should have put the tube around her neck that night, but did not think to till the next morning (after she had already chewed and scratched the swollen area). Monday was a holiday, so finally today she had an appt with a vet.

The vet did minor surgery to insert a drain into her swollen/clogged gland, which happens, the vet explained, more often than the average dog owner realizes. Because the drain is making a mess, we bought her some doggy diapers to cover her wound and catch the fluid from the drain.

She really is a good "patient." We know, though, that she is miserable.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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