Sunshine Yellow!

Part two of Snowdrops story!
Just before leaving for the allotment Colourful Mai messaged to say she would change her place of work and take Snowdrop to the vets -phew! So after the girls were sorted I dropped her down the road to her. I hoped they would  put a stitch in like they did for Tilly but feared the worst. Home, shower and off to hospital for a bone density scan. for once I was early so settled in the waiting room having gathered leaflets on osteoporosis just in case. I was looking forward to a blip catch up but no sooner had I sat down I was called! I only had to take my shoes off and no removal of my many rings and bracelets - but i did have to remove my belly ring! Found out I weigh a healthy 8st 3 lbs - rarely been above 8st so delighted, Hello Fresh and cream cakes must be working! But I have fallen below 5 ft - I was only just over it to be honest, but further shrinkage I don't want - feel like a midget already! Thought I looked small in the group photo with the London Friends - I don't realise how small i am till I see myself in photos - which I try to avoid being in! 
Once scan done i tried reinserting my belly ring - could not see the inner hole due to my little tub of a belly - hmmm- thats where all the additional weight went then! Needing a mirror I headed to the toilets - it was placed way too high for a midget like me so popped it in my bag for reinsertion later! When I got back to the car it was 11.14 - my appointment was for 11.05 - fantastic! 
I stopped on the moors to take the sheep and Hawthorns - they are spectacular this year. Then stopped at Lidl's to get greens and a bag of compost - fatal! The list of what I actually left with included a hanging basket of strawberries, a Passion flower and Nerine, 2 glass chopping boards for fat cats food bowls ( I only needed one but hey they were so pretty and eye catching!) 2 pots and 2 superb Ernesto  Kushino kitchen knives - oh my when I used them later they were divine - so sharp! await news of kitchen injury at some point!
As I was packing away my goodies in the car I heard from Colourful Mai - Snowdrop was ready to be picked up from her! Now for the bad news - no stitch but a jab to stop her laying eggs and a tube of Piles cream to shrink the protuberance - guess who gets the delight of applying that! 
I had lunch in the communal garden at Mai's flat in the sunshine and then  home with Snowdrop pile cream at the ready! Pile cream does not stick to extruded chicken bits! Managed to get it around the outer skin with my finger so had to be satisfied with that. A while later Mai messaged to say she had found a nozzle in her handbag whilst looking for her keys - well that explains it then! More cream squirted where needed! 
End to the day allotment weeding, incinerator and chickens to bed, after taking photos of the buttercups in the field on my way there - not a bad day all in all! 
P.S. Mai had to buy the cream from a supermarket I despise  - she was going to pay  for it separately so left it in her basket at the till and the helpful guy behind her picked it up and loudly asked if it was hers! She loudly replied yes and that it was for a chicken - not sure which part of that is more embarrassing! 
P.P.S. Belly ring back in - decided to go for the pink one for a change! Don't know why as no one but me will be seeing it poking out my little fat belly but it pleases me! 

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