
By Fisherking

........oh crap...........

Back to the doctors this morning.

Informed her that the increased meds don't seem to be doing much........and that my left arm has been feeling "heavy" for a few days......and that I couldn't get into the car after a quick trip to the shops.......the Daughter had to come rescue me........and actually lift my left leg into the car for me.

Laid down..........both legs compared......agreed that the left one is swollen badly compared to the right........ability to push against a force tested......left hand grip tested..........definitely weak on the left taking the water retention meds............anti-inflammatories if I need them.............telephone consultation 17th July........referral to a Neurologist!

Really worried all the rest of the day...........scared the hell out of myself looking up neurological illnesses.........and then decided to follow my heroine hebs...........she's coped with pain and doubts/problems with her treatment for in the dark hours of the night I spoke to Helen.......and I keep going with the sensible face the pain and do what I can, no matter how long it takes enquire about a private consultation if there's a long waiting list.........and to face up to the tests, the scans and the treatment........the way to look at it is.......if it's a neurological problem...........1/3 of sufferers are cured.............1/3 have the condition controlled/managed with meds............and 1/3 are there's a 2/3 chance of some level of improvement.

The shot is of Loki playing with the Daughters helium balloon........something positive every day!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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