
By ThompsonTwin


The roof man came round to give me an estimate for some flashing and guttering repairs. Turns out I also need new fascias and under slates all round the bottom (not sure what these are called) as they are crumbling away, and water is running down the wall cavity - eek! To fix the fascias I need to spend almost the same amount of cash on scaffolding, due to the back gate and attached shed making part of the back inaccessible  - or get rid of the shed which is on its last legs anyway and was on my list of things to fix. I have a smaller shed which after I tidied up and sorted out all the rubbish in the rotting one (why do we keep old tins of paint for years?), I think will just about fit all the things I need. So a trip to the tip is called for I think and quick design of a new back gate.

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