The wrong day

to decide to leave my 'proper camera' at home.

To say I was miserable this morning / early afternoon would be an understatement.  We decided to go out, but I then nearly bailed out.  Fortunately Corin remained positive and I didn't want to be a mardarse.

We went to Marbury Park and discovered that there was a Slack-line event on which was really interesting to watch.  Could have had some fantastic pictures but instead, you have this one from my phone.

At least whilst we were walking around the park I did explain to Corin that basically, I am just very pissed off with how things are with my health and that there seems to be still some way to go to resolve things.  I guess I am allowed to be angry with myself aren't I.  Even though I haven't any control over it at all.

Ah well.  We watched a film together (all three of us) tonight which was a nice end to the day.

Night night

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