Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Behold !!!

A gift from my little DDLC ... I am indeed the mother of dragons .. Three of the blighters...
I'm also fairly obsessed with Game of Thrones and rather fancy myself leading the Unsullied to run amok in Tesco.

I was due to meet DDLC and Alice at the shops earlier as Eve and I were on the hunt for shorts for her ( Eve not Alice ) .. Alice made it as far as the car park then felt queasy ... They bolted toward the public loo but .... The Exorcist .. That scene ... You know ... Twisted head projectile vomit ... Yeah ... Only worse . Poor baby girl... They went home as DDLC needed to wash her hair .. Yes it was that bad... I went to find some forehead strips for Alice as she's had a nasty headache and this was the end result ... I get awful migraine sickness so I feel VERY sympathetic to her indeed ...

On a lighter less smelly note Eve did indeed find shorts and other items of clothing ... Every cloud and all that ;-)

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