Strike that. Reverse it!


Day 208 - Aye, Aye Captain!!!!!

Tommys last day at pre school today so the preparations for big school begin. Starting with this water bottle. It may look like any ordinary bottle but turns out that being a green bottle is great and both boys are really pleased. Especially as everyone looks like the Incredible Hulk when you look through them :0)

Had a lovely morning watching Tommy in his Nursery celebration assembly. A few tears were shed as my baby is now going into fulltime school. Seems a huge step and the end of an era.

This afternoon hubby and I went shopping to meadowhall. Its not very often we get any time together without the kids so was a lovely afternoon. Surprisingly I didnt buy anything, hmmmm think I must be feeling under the weather a little as thats very out of character for me and it wasnt from lack of trying.In hindsight I would have rather have gone to see The Dark Knight Rises as we had originally intended! Hopefully we'll get to see it at the weekend.

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