Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Great morning at Hicks Lodge. Toby was amazing on the trails. He had a big fall as skinned his elbows. Lots and lots of tears and he said he never ever ever ever wanted to get in his bike again but after lots of cuddles he did and flew the rest of the way round. Last time we took him he couldn't get up any of the hills but his legs are obviously getting stronger. Madam went in the trailer and squealed! Mike was doing his best to get some air over the bumps!

We had some lunch there then spent the afternoon in the garden. The kids were in the paddling pool and Henry and Martha cave over too.

I had a dog walk to do, then went to the yard. It was very hot and I didn't feel much like riding really but I did and had a lovely ploddy ride. Home just in time for kids bedtime then sorting walk schedules and more painting!! And ironing. There will be ironing at some point as Tobes back to school tomorrow.

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