
By bananablip

Full heart

Today has been the perfect way to end the most perfect week.

Took the Hen-mobile back to Groove Cottage this morning and gave it a little TLC to make sure it still met the exacting standards of GC residents. Nice to have a little me time whilst washing the car in the sunshine and reminiscing about the weekend.

Got home to a clean house, thanks to SS and then we headed out to the park for some sunshine before being told by the rents that they had been expecting us and had bought BBQ stuff. Not ones to refuse the offer of any food, particularly BBQ food, we headed over to the Groove. Lovely walk in the sunshine catching up about our various week's escapades. Blissful.

Then, joy of all joys, my diary from the year 2000 turned up, which led to some utter hilarity (all at my expense, of course). It seems that I spent most of my sixteenth year being obsessed to the point of stalkerdom with Neil Godding (swoon). Even though my heart was mostly devoted to NG, I did seem to have other boys on the go on a weekly basis, which doesn't seem to have been replicated into my adult years. Needless to say, Neil Godding was completely unaware of my existence. I also successfully predicted the marriage of bulliblips and ant, a mere few months into their relationship. Feeling particularly smug about that.

Also found: my old concert programmes. The Stereophonics, The Corrs and several (errr five) trips to see Boyzone.

I was nothing if not obsessive in my teenage years.

Lovely BBQ, great beer, toasted marshmallows and excited chats about the next weekend in Edinburgh.

I can't believe how completely perfect the last week has been: a brilliant weekend with epic young people, long walks and pub visits, amazing family, the best of friends and a Super Hen. Heart at capacity.

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