Super Sunday!

I met a friend to go along to the Sunday Assembly at Summerhall and we were in for a treat. We were asked to wear blindfolds before the guest speaker arrived. Sarah Caltieri is a young woman who is a singer, performer, activist and so much more. She has lost much of her sight due to a problem associated with Type One Diabetes. She told us about her journey into limited sight and some of the things she has learned along the way, including the ways not to help someone with a visual impairment. When we were told we could take our blindfolds off, we were greeted by this beautiful young woman. She sang the title track from Cabaret with much gusto -

It was fascinating to listen to Sarah's story while blindfolded. I noticed that ambient noise seemed much louder and intrusive, and two friends reported something similar. I think Sarah would like to speak to more people about her journey so far and I hope she finds a way. I certainly found her talk enlightening.

I had to rush a little from Summerhall to the Festival Theatre to meet C and P (previously seen here -
C's Aunt Jane had hoped to see Scottish Opera's The Mikado but couldn't make it in the end. It was a truly delightful production, lovingly performed and rather spectacular. A good time was had by all. Thank you Aunt Jane!

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