
As I think I've stated on here before, I'm one of those people who loves having a garden but doesn't enjoy gardening. Surely that's not so uncommon?

Over the last few weeks, the Minx has done loads of work in the garden, as well as on the decking and the paths. I don't think this is down to any great love of gardening, mind, I reckon it's more down to her characteristic of putting in the hard graft to create something beautiful and enjoyable. (See also her cooking, drawing and painting, et cetera.)

As I was leaving her house, this morning, she mentioned that the front lawn at my place needed mowing. This is precisely the kind of thing I might forget to do and then feel like a complete git afterwards, so I made sure that it was top of my to do list (after going for a swim).

When I first moved in here, there was a six foot high, thick hedge where this fence is now. It was horrible and I thought it would be much nicer with a fence like this and flowers and plants, so I checked with my neighbour whether it would be OK with him if I did that. As it happened, he was delighted as the hedge blocked a lot of light into his living room.

It was quite satisfying doing the lawn, today. It was really only a ten minute job but, you know, it was a warm day and I felt fully justified in taking a nap on the sofa once it was done. I love the summer.

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