Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Challenge for the buoy

I was watching this drama unfold from the deck, quite far away... … Cormorant A was happily sitting on the buoy for quite a long time as usual with this wings out when cormorant B came along and thought it must be HIS turn.  So there was lots of circling and scuffling and splashing and complaining  before A did get off and altho it was confusing for a bit and they look just alike to me from this distance, i think B won the perch after more circling around.    Very entertaining.

I tried to use some of these photos for examples for one of the lessons I had time for today in my PS class about layers and adjustment layers and filters etc.but got so confused with too many things, (and too much time!) it turned out terribly!  I put it in the extra where it won’t stay long so you could see a few other views of the 2 of them, but preferred a much faster, simpler  BW….

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