The ground that you walk, the air that you breathe

Our wee town is undergoing a transformation.  

The roads which we have pleaded with the council for months, nae years, to be fixed are suddenly undergoing a massive refurbishment. 

Council contractors are turning out in the hundreds in the evening; there are diversions all over the place, people can't really come in and out of the town unless you take a big detour.   

Signs have gone up at every entrance to the town; directing traffic to one of 12 "entrances", portacabins are springing up every where; the far South Beach car park has become a "Entrance" and hosts a massive double marquee where about 70 car spaces existed before.

People are renting out their houses for 5 days and making anything between 3000, and 10,000, and taking a holiday while someone sleeps in their bed. 

And things like this are turning up ....  for those who don't want to sleep on someone else's bed. 

I've heard there are three more on route,... and the flipping Open doesn't even start til July.  


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