A Fahrenheit Life

By Pingirl


Early start taxi ride to Paradise Stables for a horse riding winery tour in the mountains - a perfect way to celebrate Roz's birthday, drinking wine in the morning on horseback!

The weather was great and the scenery spectacular - it reminded me a lot of Scotland with the heather and bracken undergrowth against the rugged mountains.

First stop was at Rickety Bridge winery where we saw baboons playing or, more probably, making mischief. Our host was very friendly and informative, although by the sixth 'taste' it was all starting to get a bit blurred. Once back on the patiently waiting horses (note to self: do not try to mount horse when standing on downward slope) we were asked by our tour guide if we fancied a bit of a canter. Before you could say 'Hi-yo, Silver. Away!', we had all disappeared in a cloud of dust.

Next winery stop at Mont Rochelle Estate our host wasn't quite so amenable but we were past caring anyway and enjoyed a few more 'tastes' of wine.

Five hours later we were back at the Stables and then it was into town for lunch at a local African cafe.

Dinner celebration was at Reubens, regarded as the Jamie Oliver of South Africa, c0mplete with chocolate cake and candles.

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