Nobby's Nuts.

We've had a little outing two or three of us, we didn't all go together but we met there. With teenagers dropped off for their activity and a lift home arranged off I set. A bit of a detour as the m6 was closed and i didn't want to be late.

We went to see a medium, now, you can all make your own minds up wether you believe or not, you can decide if its right or wrong to contact the spirit world, but please accept we all have our own ideas and are entitled to our own opinion it doesn't mean it is right or wrong. I believe, but also have a respect and know also there could be a bit of luck involved. I must point out I did not go wanting or expecting a message but some people may get some comfort from this sort of event.

The questions and names all start being a bit wide scope and could actually be a guess, names like, Thomas, Jack and Mary are quite common names and I'm sure we all know one of these. However as the spirits started to join us people who knew them smiled and cried and knew exactly who he was talking about. He was rather humorous too was Gareth Lewis

The second half began with questions. There were one or two until the atmosphere for the night changed. There was a group of four who arrived late, sat at the back with a bottle of wine and large glasses and talked most of the way through the first half. One of the ladies stated she was from Romany blood and asked a question, she was quite aggressive and caused some real negative energy, her question was answered three times but she didn't like the answer before we moved on and began inviting the spirits back to talk to us. I did ask if the medium knew derek akorah and if they had meals out and invited all their spirit friends but he doesn't know Derek.

So with more spirits waiting the rude group continued to talk and laugh and make fun especially when names were mentioned which although not important to them were to someone else. They were asked to be quiet to allow others to listen but then it all got a little nasty and the medium said he would have to close the evening. The poor gentleman with the other 3 apologised for them spoiling the evening for others and said they were leaving, however he left alone as they refused to move. The atmosphere turned up a notch as the audience turned on the woman, by now she is not a lady, and they clapped when she was told what everyone thought of her. Bless her she felt she was so important in the room and even described herself as powerful, not once but twice.

A young lady who the medium had talked to stood up and announced who the people were he was talking about to her and needed no further verification from anyone that this was genuine. At this point thankfully the rest of the group left otherwise I think it may have got a bit silly.

So, whilst we reflected on our night, had a discussion wether it was real or not we drank our diet coke and nibbled on Nobby's Nuts.

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