2016 Tuesday -- "Final Exams" Today
This photo was captured at approximately 7:50 this morning. It is the view of the cars in front of me and the many behind me.
This was my last day to meet students and it was Final Exam day. It's simply amazing that all students attend and arrive on time for this grand finale. It's also amazing, or ridiculous, that we still have only one vehicle entrance into the college.
I met students at 8:15 and at 11:00. I had given them a "take home" assignment, their Final Exam, and a today they had come to submit it and to collect a few of the last projects I had graded. When I gave them their projects and a few final words woven into a thought, I pointed toward the classroom door and said, "I understand summer is just outside that door." Then told them they were dismissed.
I'll meet summer on the exit of graduation this Thursday evening. I'm so ready for long leisure days out of the classroom.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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