
By Tommy0161


I like gardening in pots. You can plant them up as mini gardens and move them around the garden to where you need a splash of colour or some interest. We have lots of pots and it takes a lot of plants and a lot of money to fill them up for the various seasons. Sometimes corners have to be cut and I have to avoid the expensive garden centres. Seeds are an option but you really have to be on top of them to get a decent show. I have been known, however, to check out the big DIY sheds and see what they have on special offer.

A few weeks ago I bought some Dianthus from B&Q. There were ten (I think) plants in a container and you could have three containers for £10. So (does complicated head maths) that's 30p a plant. Dianthus are a relative of Carnations and Sweet Williams. They produce pretty flowers in shades of white, pink and red, some are bi and tri coloured. They don't look much when you put them in but, water, feed, watch out for slugs and snails, and they will reward you with masses of colour. Keep deadheading them and they will flower all summer. And some that I planted last year, survived the winter and have flowered for a second year. A brilliant plant I can highly recommend.

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