Perfect Peony

Perfect shape, perfect long it will stay this way depends on the looming dark clouds and possible deluges!!! I do love this particular variety...this is SOOC too!

Typical isn't it, no rain for a couple of weeks, everything bone dry, and as soon as the blousy blooms of the peonies, poppies, foxgloves and delphiniums start to put on their show, the weather is threatening to turn!! We've staked and propped up with supports, so hopefully they will be ok should the rain, which is much needed, come!

This morning we had a walk down town, I had a horrible night, still awake at 4.05, the birds were awake before I'd even been to sleep!

After lunch I drove to Liverpool Eye hospital to meet youngest son, who had made his way there on the train from Manchester. This was his first check up........since his return to work.
Glad to report pressures were down slightly on last time, which is great, his sight test supported the change his optician has made to his glasses, and he has an appointment to pursue contact lenses via the hospital, which won't be so expensive. He is having headaches, but they are not overly concerned, and have recommended a few things for him to try to alleviate the most, so overall, all good, yay!!

We are just about to have a mackerel salad for tea before we go off to the quiz, look out, maybe we will win that jackpot, more chance of that, than the quiz, based on recent form ;-)

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