Bottoms up .....
...... the mallard was ducking and diving, whilst another looked on . There was a coot with 3 little ones, these darlings kept mum busy as they dived into the reeds to hide. Then mum and a male mallard had a real fight flying at each other whilst the little ones escaped further away!
My day started with a visit to the dentist ( he's a lovely man ! ) then a shop for a couple of birthday presents , that was a success , few, breath again ! Then petrol needed, then to the pond to get a blip for today, just had to watch the antics!
Home to get a snack lunch " A " came and after lunch and a cuppa he finished the hedge ( after the catastrophe with a failed cutter last week ) also he cut the other hedge down my path and cleared it all up too. I planted a couple of Fuscias' then cleared the back path and tried to cut the dreaded brambles , with only a little success !!
My grateful thanks to " A " , I don't know what I would do without him .
Happy .... that I managed to do a little in the garden especially as my right hip, leg and back have not been good at all .
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