Mullein and Milkshake!
I bumped into Party Girls mum at the hairdressers -I look after her chickens when she is away. We had a good old chat about nipples and why men have them - I thought they were not useless as she thought being an erogenous zone which Raj agreed with and told her to check out her husbands when she got home - she said she liked to stay as far away from his erogenous zones as she could! For once Raj was unable to dominate the conversation as we had a good old chat! The conversation about nipples came up because we were talking about ticks and I once mistook my male dogs nipples for them!!
The afternoon was spent watching Friend sleep! She was tired before radiotherapy and was zonked by the time she got home. I sat in the sun in her garden with her cat Milkshake and read and took photos! . After 2 hours she woke and we had a good old chat and I looked up the two types of morphine she had been given for pain. Nellie of the Woods arrived to take over an hour later and I mooched home feeling headachy again - too hot and muggy for my liking. By the eve it had cooled so off to the allotment - Alice the same but in no need of being dispatched yet - hopefully the cooler weather may see her shake off whatever is ailing her.
More of the Mullein and the lovely Milkshake here if you fancy!
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