"Found her" selfie

Katie has been rather excited today, with a tiny touch of nervous. Today B was picking her up from school and looking after her for the first time! She found Katie fine (the classroom doors are a rabbit warren) and on the way out of school the headteacher stopped her to say how fabulous Katie's recent Tchaikovsky homework is (she got a headteachers award today for it). B said "I'm not mummy, I am her piano and clarinet teacher" to which the head replied "Oh great, she is the youngest child we have ever had in orchestra, you know. she's doing brilliantly!" B was rather pleased! Then in her words "Katie and I *didnt* stop for ice creams on the way home... Hmmm.." As she said this to me, Katie was jumping up and down saying "we did, we did, we did!" They had popping candy crunchie lollies which apparently Katie found very funny in her mouth.

They went home and baked brownies before Katie was sent to play in the garden, complete with the bowl mixers to lick. After cartwheeling in the rain she went inside to play on the bagatelle game that she rather likes. She told me that she was rapping rhythms out on the floor with the balls and B came to give her rhythms to copy.

B's hubby came home and they sat down to spag bol and Katie-made brownies. They hadn't long finished dinner and Katie was sat calmly watching a little tv when I arrived. She went a bit hyper because mummy was back. They seem to all have had a good time, it was lovely to see Katie snuggling B so happily. We are very grateful to have her (and her hubby) in our lives.

B asked me "so how did you get home, mummy?" Knowing my answer.... mummy was back with a surprise. After I had been to work, I went to collect our new (to us) car! Katie had immediately run to the door and onto the drive to have a look, then bounced in very excited. She was rather chuffed to drive home in it (the three streets away that it is!)

That's B off for another 10 days now though. Good job they've had a great dose of each other this past week really!

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